Amica Life Insurance Company Claim Denied ?
Amica Life Insurance Company
Amica Life Insurance Company is based in Costa Mesa California. Amica Life Insurance Company uses more straightforward information for its life insurance policies. Amica asks if the person to be insured has any significant medical risks, and says that means: Significant medical concerns would include, but are not limited to, diabetes, mental illness, drug or alcohol abuse, moderate to severe respiratory disease, stroke, heart or circulatory disease, cancer, or an ongoing disability, or a family history of ALS. Amica Life does sell both term life insurance, for a level premium for a term of years, which can be between 10 and 30 years, and also sells whole life insurance, which has some value, a guaranteed death benefit, and can grow in value. Amica is well capitalized, and sells life insurance policies that have values up to one million dollars in coverage.
Amica has an active investigations unit that works with its life insurance claims. Amica life insurance, like other life insurance companies, is particularly focused on the denial of claims that are brought within the first two years of a life insurance policy being sold. The life insurance company will investigate such a claim very closely, but in a way that most people don’t expect. The investigation is into the medical background of the insured. Even though the life insurance company had a medical authorization to get all the medical records when it was first getting ready to sell the policy, usually they don’t spend the money to get all the medical records. Instead, only if the person passes away in the first two years, when a rescission is possible, will they get all the medical records.
Similar to the advertising for other life insurance companies, Amica knows that life insurance is a highly important component of many financial plans. The beneficiaries can receive the funds, and pay off debt, replace income from the lost one, and pay high final expenses. Amica Life Insurance Company is part of an older automobile insurance company. All of that knowledge, though, is in the “sales” side of the company. We have experience with the “life insurance claims” side of Amica. This is like a different company, which has the task of deciding if a claim for life insurance benefits should be paid. Amica will investigate a claim for life insurance benefits. Most people are surprised by the focus of the investigation on a life insurance claim. People sometimes expect an investigation into whether there was an exclusion for life insurance coverage on the cause of death. This is sort of the old fashioned way life insurance companies limited and excluded payouts on some policies. If the insured did something dangerous, like scuba diving, or hang gliding, there might not be coverage paid. If the insured committed suicide, or had illegal drugs in his system, maybe the policy would not pay.
While for some life insurance companies, these exclusions can still be major issues, this is not usually the case with Amica. With Amica, we have found that most issues arise from the medical investigation into claims that come in the first two years of the life insurance policy. The medical investigation is very intense. All of the medical records for the insured, for even the ten years before the life insurance policy was sold, will be obtained. The life insurance company will use its own doctors or on staff medical review personnel to closely review the medical records.
Even on whole life insurance, where the amount of the premiums is higher, because there is some investment value, the life insurance company will closely investigate a claim. For claims that are made more than two years after the policy is sold, there is still some investigation. Amica will investigate to see if any of the excluded causes of death are involved. Like other life insurers, a death that occurs outside of the United States (an international death) will get very close investigation. Amica will look for both a certified and translated death certificate, and a report with the United States of the death of the person overseas. There is a lot more investigation, too.
In our claims and cases with Amica, we have seen their claims department closely investigate coverage and medical statements. There is much more investigation than the average person would expect. Because we are led by a lawyer who used to work for insurance companies, we have special insight into how a life insurance company does investigate and decide whether or not to pay a life insurance claim. We know how to show the facts so that you get paid. We know how to properly argue the lack of any additional facts into reasons supporting payment, not denial or rescission of the policy. With us on your team, you have the best team available to get your family paid the benefits.
We have done this a lot. We take the time to know you and your case. We start working for you NOW. We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you. We focus on how to win your case. If you have a problem getting your life insurance claim paid, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact Life Insurance Lawyer NOW.com or life insurance justice.com. We work with most clients virtually, so you never even have to come into an office. Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer. We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, we treat you with the highest respect and care, and we are here for you NOW
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