Don’t Trust The Life Insurance Company!

Don’t Trust The Life Insurance Company!

Do you really think they’re on your side? We hear from many people, suffering with life insurance company issues – beneficiary problems, interpleader, or payment stalling.  They all wish for the same results: that the problems would magically solve themselves, and that the life insurance company would pay. They have learned to don’t trust The Life Insurance Company! They really believe that they have supplied the information that will get prompt payment.

We really understand these thoughts and feelings, but unfortunately, that is not how things work in the world of life insurance.  Investigations from the life insurance company can take months, and often result in no payment at all, or payment to the wrong beneficiaries.

  • When your claim is being investigated, it is lined up to not be paid, or for interpleader  

The whole purpose of the life insurance company investigation is to help the life insurance company win.

The department of the life insurance company that handles and denies claims is a very different part of the company than the one that sells policies. The sales agents will do everything they can to sign up clients and take payments – and the claims adjusters and lawyers will do everything they can to keep that money once the insured dies.

As justified as you may be to receive a policy benefit, beneficiaries don’t really know or understand what the life insurance company does when they investigate a claim.  The life insurance company investigation playbook is very different from law on television – they will never stop searching for specific facts to justify not paying you.

The life insurance company is not concerned with a beneficiaries reputation; their goal is to find evidence to use against paying you.

  • Generally speaking, the life insurance company is looking for evidence, not character reputation.  Character reputation is not how the US Court system makes decisions.

We have done this a lot.  We take the time to know you and your case.  We start working for you NOW.  We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you.  We focus on how to win your case.  If you have a problem getting your life insurance claim paid, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact Life Insurance Lawyer

Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer.   We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, not a lawyer referral service or “middleman”.

Interpleader: Why Life Insurance Lawyer Now Is The Leader.

Interpleader: Why Life Insurance Lawyer Now Is The Leader.

Interpleader cases are very complicated legal matters – don’t try to litigate this yourself or use a non-expert lawyer. Interpleader: Why Life Insurance Lawyer Now is the Leader. Here are 5 reasons why.

 1. We have been doing interpleader law and litigation for almost 30 years, and are experts in this area.

When you contact us on your interpleader insurance case, you talk to a real lawyer, one with many years of experience – not an assistant, or a paralegal.  Get answers now, from a real lawyer.

2. We will focus on your case, from start to finish. You don’t have to repeat your information and facts to one person after another.

3. Many other law firms will take your case and refer it out to another firm – while they take a cut of  your settlement or judgment – not us.

We are not like the divorce lawyers or child custody lawyers you may have had to deal with in the past, which for many, is their first and only time of hiring a lawyer.  We get back to you, by phone, email, or text.  We let you know what is going on your interpleader insurance case – discussing our strategy with you ahead of time, and making sure that we get every fact about your case.

4. We are selective about the cases we take.  Sometimes, our opinion is that a case might not have enough facts to win, or that there may be legal questions that make it just too uncertain.  As we  are committed to winning our cases, it is essential that our clients are as forthcoming and direct as possible with us.  We can’t guarantee a result on your interpleader case, but we can guarantee that we will work hard for you, gathering all the facts and proof that will help make our case strong, and further our strategy.

  • One huge mistake is that potential clients have waited too long to start legal proceedings against an Insurer – as legal time limits can cost you a potential victory. 
  • The Insurance Company wants you to wait – it increases their chances of keeping money that may be rightfully yours. 
  • This passage of time is always the first and preferred defense of the Insurer.

When the life insurance company feels no pressure to pay the claim fast, they will invent ways to delay payment, as well as complicate matters by requesting unnecessary documents to waste your time.

If you have a life insurance claim where the life insurance company really seems to be investigating, on and on and on, don’t give them the time they want to beat your claim.  We push life insurance companies to pay the benefits, and pay them now.

When you are looking for a life insurance lawyer, you should find out about the lawyer’s experience and knowledge.  We know how to convince insurance companies and other beneficiaries to pay.

5. We have been in the boardroom in the other side, we know how the thinking works in a big life insurance company.

Many times, we can get a policy paid within 6 days!  We help to get the necessary information into the life insurance company – and push the life insurance claim away from too much investigation, and too many requests for documents and medical records.

  • When looking for a life insurance lawyer, look for the fighting spirit. 
We have the fighting spirit, for you and your family.  We enjoy and take great pride in helping people who have suffered a loss, and are being deceived by a life insurance company.
  • When you are looking for a life insurance lawyer, watch out for people who can’t help you where you are living.  A lawyer in another state can’t come into your state and help you – they don’t know the laws and aren’t able to practice law there.  Especially if your claim is in California,  you absolutely need a California lawyer.
We have done this a lot.  We take the time to know you and your case.  We start working for you NOW.  We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you.  We focus on how to win your case.  If you have a problem getting your life insurance claim paid, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact Life Insurance Lawyer or life insurance  Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer.   We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, not a lawyer referral service or “middleman”, we are here for you NOW.

Life Insurance Company Medical Records Request

Life Insurance Company Medical Records Request

On top of all the coercive life insurance policy investigations we see, one that is on the top of the list is the Life Insurance Company Medical Records Request – and that just one way the Life Insurance Company will try to deny your claim.

Why Do Insurers Seek Medical Records?

There is no justification for the life insurance company to seek the medical records after a person passes away if they actually want to pay the policy.  The only reason that the life insurance company sends medical authorizations for someone else to sign, is to get records to argue that the person made misrepresentations in the life insurance application – and that they should not get paid.

The Goal of the Life Insurance Company is to NOT pay Your Claim.

We have seen life insurance companies demand that beneficiaries sign on the dotted line, when they have no obligation to sign a medical authorization.  Sometimes the life insurance companies say they need the medical authorization so they “can pay the claim” or “as a regular part of their investigation” or “to help you.”  Each of these statements is false, or incomplete.

Signing A Life Insurance Company Medical Records Request Only Helps The Insurer.  

It is only to help the insurer in gathering information to support their position in not paying you a dime. 

Don’t give the insurer evidence to deny your claim. That’s exactly what a Life Insurance Company Medical Records Request is aiming to do.

The life insurance company demands the medical records authorization for one reason only:  to look for anything to use against you, and to avoid paying your claim for life insurance benefits.  The medical authorization never helps you, it is only to create something, anything, that the life insurance company can use to avoid paying you.  They are experts in tricking and wasting time.  We can help, preventing the unrequired provision of a medical authorization, and getting your benefits paid right away, NOW.

We have done this a lot.  We take the time to know you and your case.  We start working for you NOW.  We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you.  We focus on how to win your case.  If you have a problem getting your life insurance claim paid, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact Life Insurance Lawyer or life insurance  Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer.   We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, not a lawyer referral service or “middleman”, we are here for you NOW.

You Need A Real Life Insurance Claims Denial Lawyer

You Need A Real Life Insurance Claims Denial Lawyer

We have decades of experience in dealing with Life Insurance companies – we have  worked for them and know their tactics and tricks – You Need a Real Life Insurance Claims Denial Lawyer!

Your case needs someone who knows how they think, and how to defeat them – that’s just one reason to call us now.

Too often, other lawyers have caused people too many more headaches, when they were supposed to help.  At life insurance lawyer and life insurance we are here to help, not make more headaches.  Even if you have had bad experiences with other lawyers, we will show you that we are different.

2. Some lawyers don’t really know their practice area – but we are experts in life insurance law. 

We love doing life insurance law and helping people at a serious and important time in their lives.  We are not just learning the law on your case – we know the law.  We have the right experience to do a great job for you, and the enthusiasm to care enough to do it.

Call us for a consultation – get the opinion of an expert concerning your case.

We really want to help, even if that is just providing information and answers to your questions, making a complicated system make sense.  Our consultation (which is worth more than $2,500) we will provide without charge, so you can have your questions answered.  Many times, we are able to give the guidance so a person doesn’t even need to hire us, but knows what to do next.  We provide the consultation without charging you because we want you to not have any barriers to getting the information and answers you need.

The life insurance company has been doing these claims a lot more than any of our clients; they wrote the policy, influenced the law, and have a plan for your claim.  You have suffered the loss of a loved one, you need your questions answered, you should make your best move and contact us without delay or worry.

3. Life insurance companies are experts at complicating matters, bogging you down with unnecessary and voluminous document requests, rescissionapplication misrepresentation, and other delays to waste time.

We know their tactics and how to win – their tricks won’t work with us. 

We have done this a lot.  We take the time to know you and your case.  We start working for you NOW.  We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you.  We focus on how to win your case.  If you have a problem getting your life insurance claim paid, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact Life Insurance Lawyer or life insurance  Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer.   We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, not a lawyer referral service or “middleman”, we are here for you NOW.

Medical Authorizations From A Life Insurance Company

Medical Authorizations From A Life Insurance Company

Have You Received Medical Authorizations From A Life Insurance Company?

Why does a Life Insurance Company demand that you sign Medical Authorizations?

Many of our clients wake up late to the fact that the life insurance company is doing everything they can think of to avoid paying the life insurance benefits.  Even when our client talks to a nice sounding person on the phone about the life insurance claim, be assured that the claims personnel are following a carefully prepared program with only one goal in mind – NOT paying you the policy benefits. And requesting Medical Authorizations is one of those indications.

Medical Authorizations From A Life Insurance Company Means One Thing Only

If a life insurance company is going to pay the benefits, it is easy, they just pay the benefits.  When they start asking for medical authorizations, they are NOT using those to pay the life insurance benefits – they are going to use those to get the last twenty-years of medical records, all to use in a calculated plan to not pay you any benefits.  Surprised?  We won’t be.  This has been in the playbook of the life insurance companies for years, and we have fought it for years.  Don’t let the life insurance company trick you into signing possibly unrequired documents for its own benefit and use, to keep you away from the benefits that you need.

The Life Insurance Company Is NOT On Your Side – Their Goal Is To NOT Pay You.

The life insurance claims person will work really hard to convince you to sign the medical authorizations.  “A routine form”, they will say, “we send it out to help get the claim paid”, or “no one’s ever questioned doing it before…”  All these statements are untrue, or at most, incomplete.

The life insurance company has many lawyers working for them, and has a strategy that the life insurance company has used many times, which is to avoid paying policies.  You may not believe that these companies work hard to avoid paying policies, but they do.  Even small policies, especially big policies, whatever is possible, they use it.

  • The happiest place for a life insurance company to start looking for “misrepresentations” so they can rescind the life insurance policy and not pay any policy benefit claim.
  • The first step is of denying a claim is getting years of past medical histories and records for people who are already gone, and can’t even answer for themselves.
  • The second step is finding any bit of information that can be interpreted in their favor to deny your claim.

Part of their goal is to bury you with meaningless paperwork and have you scrambling around for documents. Don’t let this happen to you and your right to benefits.

Have you suffered the unexpected loss of a loved one, only to have a claim for life insurance benefits delayed, or denied?  Do you get the feeling that the life insurance company is doing everything it can to avoid paying the claim?

Has the life insurance company sent you a letter stating that they are rescinding the policy, making a rescission, or just sending back the insurance payment? Especially if your loved one had the policy for less than two years before passing away, the life insurance company can become very aggressive at seeking to avoid the policy payment.  Rescission is a favored strategy of the life insurance company, if the policy was issued less than two years before the death.

We have done this a lot.  We take the time to know you and your case.  We start working for you NOW.  We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you.  We focus on how to win your case.  If you have a problem getting your life insurance claim paid, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact Life Insurance Lawyer or life insurance  Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer.   We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, not a lawyer referral service or “middleman”, we are here for you NOW.
We can help.  Call at (888) 997-4070, or (818) 937-0937, or send an email to us in the form on the side of the screen.  We are highly experienced lawyers, not paralegals, and we know this area.  We get right to it with you and the insurance company, and get many claims paid right away.  If court is necessary, we are regular Federal litigators and will push the life insurance company hard for the well being of you and your family.  We respect you, deal directly with you, and understand not only the law and facts, but what you are going through.  We are here to help.  Contact us as soon as possible, to get your claim paid faster.

2 Ways Life Insurance Companies Count on You Giving Up Your Claim

2 Ways Life Insurance Companies Count on You Giving Up Your Claim

They count on you giving up your rights to the benefits.  They know fighting with a huge life insurance company isn’t easy for people.

1. That’s why one of their tactics is to bury you with paperwork – all the while pretending that they are on your side.

You might think that once they get some answers, that your just and prompt payment will follow – think again. More documentation will be sought, and more frustration will ensue. But this was their plan all along – although you didn’t know it. But we do – we’ve been on their side before, and know how they operate.

2. Most lawyers want to avoid these fights, too.  These are often Federal cases in United States District Courts, which have their own very complex rules and regulations, which must be followed to the letter. We don’t shy away from these fights – the insurers tricks won’t work on us.

People who have a right to life insurance benefits have suffered a serious loss of a loved one.  The death of a loved one is among the most stressful of life events  –  life insurance companies know all this, and count on you giving up, not finding the right lawyer, and just going away.   While they send you a letter expressing their condolences, at the same time they will conduct a “contestibility investigation” or consider paying the wrong beneficiary.

A life insurance company is in a real position of trust, when you need that policy paid.  We hope that many times they do the right thing.  But more and more, life insurance companies are dominated by financial engineering and an eye towards profits. Lets face it: few life insurance policies are ever called upon to actually pay the life insurance benefits.  Those benefits can be substantial, and avoiding the payment of a few benefits can lift a life insurance companies profits.

You need to be strong in a time like this.  You are already doing the right thing, to find an experienced attorney.  You question whether the life insurance company is being fair, and you have found us.  That is the most important part.

Without the right counsel on your side, experienced, knowledgeable, aggressive counsel such as our firm, the life insurance company has all the skills, power and leverage.

We have done this a lot.  We take the time to know you and your case.  We start working for you NOW.  We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you.  We focus on how to win your case.  If you have a problem getting your life insurance benefits, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact Life Insurance Lawyer or life insurance  Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer.   We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, not a lawyer referral service or “middleman”, we are here for you NOW.

Life Insurance Lawyer Las Vegas

While Las Vegas is thought of as a vacation, for fun and gambling, its also where many of us live. Even if you are just retired, and living in Vegas or Henderson because you never want to deal with snow again, you expect life insurance to pay if someone’s life is lost. You expect people and companies to keep their promises. Especially about life insurance polices, since the payment is only needed if something tragic has happened. But too many life insurance companies look at claims as just the start of an investigation–all pointed to a way to avoid paying the claim. Even if the person talking at the life insurance company sounds nice, what the company does is not nice.

Las Vegas isn’t just a place with more than 150,000 hotel rooms. Las Vegas is home to many of us, for retirement, for the many jobs available, or just because desert living is awesome. Bartenders are said to do particularly well in Las Vegas. There are many strong union jobs, which can come with some important life insurance benefits, too. Vegas is a great place to raise a family, with the lowest taxes in the country. There is so much tourism that it helps the locals to live better. From the oldest hotel in Las Vegas, the Golden Gate Hotel in downtown, which opened in 1906. Gambling (legal and licensed) began in 1931 during the height of the Great Depression. More than 600 people a day get married in Las Vegas.

Our clients from Las Vegas include people who worked in hospitality and restaurants, often behind the scenes, who bought life insurance either through their jobs, or through an agent, or on line. None of our clients wanted to see their life insurance used so soon. They were also surprised by the nasty energy of the life insurance companies, asking too many questions, seeking medical authorizations even when our clients should not have signed them, and just plain delaying payment. Our clients are hard working people, not life insurance specialists. Our clients were each sad and grieving the loss of a loved family member. Sometimes it was a car accident, or even something that could be suicide, or alcoholism, but each time, we worked hard to get our clients paid. Our clients are very relieved to have us fighting for them.

We can work totally by phone and email or text. You do not have to come into the offices to see us, or bring us papers. If you want to meet, we can make an appointment and see you in Las Vegas. The important part is we are here to help you, and make you happy, in this difficult time. Client service is what we do!

The life insurance claim investigation includes too many questions, too many “authorizations” to sign, and too much delay. You might not know why the life insurance company is asking so many questions–you paid for the policy, and the person has passed away. Based on our more than twenty years of experience, the life insurance company has a reason for every question they ask. Each question is designed by a manager and lawyer, looking for a reason to not pay your claim. That is it. We always see the same pattern: the policy should be paid. The policy premiums were paid. The insured person has died. The policy should be paid. Instead, the questions begin to pour out.

Especially if the policy was sold less than two years before the person passed away, during the “contestible” period, the insurance company will aggressively investigate. We have seen private detectives sent out to talk to neighbors, to visit the gravesite, to get all the medical records they can get.

The life insurance company looks for things that normal people might be tripped up with, on the application. The favorites are smoking history and alcohol use. Many of the life insurance applications involve long, confusing questions about smoking history and alcohol use, both past and present. The life insurance companies want you to sign a medical authorization–even if you are not the husband or wife of the insured person–so they can get every medical record. Using those records, they test what a person put on the application against the pages and pages of records. No doubt, they find anything that isn’t exactly the same, and then refuse to pay the claim. The life insurance will rescind the policy, send you back the money paid to the insurance company, and try to avoid the paying anything more.

We also handle a lot of interpleader type cases. An interpleader is when the life insurance company has two or more people each claiming the same money. Instead of deciding which one should get paid, the life insurance company begins a lawsuit called an interpleader. Interpleader is a type of lawsuit, usually in Federal Court, where the judge decides who gets paid. Life insurance companies like interpleader because it makes the judge decide, not the company. The problem for people is that even if you are the one true beneficiary, you still have to comply with all the Court rules, and put your case on before the judge. Even if you are right, you can lose if your lawyer or you doesn’t follow all the rules right, or if there are other problems with evidence. We know interpleader, and we go into Federal Court all the time, so we are adept at winning your interpleader case.

We have done this a lot. We take the time to know you and your case. We start working for you NOW. We communicate with you, respond to your calls, are available to you. We focus on how to win your case. If you have a problem getting your life insurance claim paid, rescission, beneficiary disputes, or your policy has been cancelled or has other issues on it, you need to contact or Use the form on our site, or email us, or call (888) 997-4070 or (818) 937-0937 to speak directly to an experienced life insurance lawyer. We are the best life insurance lawyers around, and we are real lawyers, not a lawyer referral service or “middleman”, and we are nice to work with, too; we are here for you NOW.